Thursday, February 20, 2014

Birthday Extravaganza

We let Three pick a restaurant for his birthday.  He chose Blaze Pizza.

Then singing and cupcakes at home.

Presents for the birthday boy...

He let baby help him.  Baby decided to eat the wrapping paper...

After the excitement, Three and I watched a scary ghost movie.  

He loves watching movies.  Big fan.


On his birthday day...

a pirate themed party.

The boys thought it was funny that the pirate ship drowned in lemon glaze. 

The compass held the first clue to his treasure hunt.  But that was after cake. 

Three wanted spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner.  With soda.  Well...that's pretty easy...  

And guess who insisted on holding Baby during dinner?  
That's right!  Our very own baby addict, Three!  
Who is now a dozen.

After making his second birthday wish this week, Three embarked on a treasure hunt.

Happy birthday to my oldest baby!

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