Monday, February 17, 2014

If You Give Your Wife a Treat...

If you offer to watch a girl movie for Valentine's Day, your wife will want something the whole family can watch.

She will choose Beauty and the Beast.  Her delight at watching the boys enjoy it will remind her how much she takes pleasure in a good love story.

She will choose to take some free time the next day to fall into the newest Jane Eyre adaptation.

She will find it mildly amusing but knows how good the story can actually be - in full book length, and adhering to the real details.  She will then desire to watch the really great version.

She'll pop in the long, wonderful adaptation and wonder how she could have gone so long without watching this account.  She'll laugh as Toby Stephens smolders as Rochester, and clap as Ruth nails the part of Jane.  She'll cheer at the pace and sigh at the symbolism.

This will remind her of the addicting trailer for this adaptation, set to the amazing Muse song.

She'll find herself enchanted with the story all over again.

This will remind her that watching classic girl movies feels really good.

And for next Valentine's Day, she will expect you to watch a girl movie with her.

If you give your wife a treat...

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