We played Carmen Sandiego.
I love it that the boys are getting a little better at reading a map, learning how to locate things.
In the end, we found the V.I.L.E. henchman - and all of our friends that have moved away. We made them find all the states and towns on the map. Even for the friends that are getting ready to move...because apparently we like putting salt in our wounds.
The boys kept asking why they all moved so far.
Why indeed?
After game night, we had chocolate chip cookies. Three made them.
He had a traumatic experience with an oven a few years ago and refused to go near an oven since then. Until game night. I made him, against his wishes, pull the pan out. (He had conned his little brother into putting it in the oven because I wouldn't.)
Well...what do you know?
After much whining and moaning, he pulled the cookie sheet out just fine. Then spent the rest of the night talking about how easy it was to pull the pan out.
Crisis averted. And that is one more kid back in the saddle. My work here is done for the day.