Monday, March 3, 2014

Sudden Insight

The other day, Three noticed he was taller than me.  Then he went to weigh himself.  He now weighed more than me as well.  He was pretty happy about that.  

Later that morning, he and I were teasing, pulling a burp cloth back and forth.  

A funny thing happened.  I was pulling hard.  And he was barely pulling.  I saw the moment his eyes lit up as it dawned on him that he was now stronger than me as well.  He laughed maniacally and I felt a lowering feeling at the realization that he is growing up and fast.

I smiled and walked away, his wild laughter following me out of the room.

Later that day, he found me.  He wrapped his now giant arms around me and said, "Don't worry, Mom.  Even though I am bigger than you, I will always be your baby."  

That kid...    

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