Friday, March 21, 2014

St. Patrick's Day!

I made the traditional corned beef and cabbage.  It was really good.  However, I forgot to take a picture of it the day I made it.  When it looked really yummy.  


Here is a picture of the less attractive but still tasty leftovers. 

We also had a sweet Irish soda bread.  So good!  I cheated on that one and got it from Sprouts.  I will need to cheat on that move in the future.  Their soda bread is very addicting.

And Five and I wrote a story about a very naughty leprechaun named Liam.  
In order to be a good leprechaun Liam has to be very, very naughty.  Which Five thinks is a brilliant concept.  
We didn't have time to illustrate it this year.  Maybe next?

To make up for this lapse, Liam left the boys a treat.  

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