Monday, June 9, 2014

Another FMM? Oh dear heavens above!

Okay.  For the record, I think he was joking.  At least, I hope he was joking.  Four was pretending to be Three and wanted to mug for the camera.  He was joking ( I hope!) about following in Three's footstep dreams to be an FMM, or future male model.  

While I am almost certain he was mocking Three, I think he was also enjoying himself a little more than I would have liked.  

Please, please, universe, don't give me another Three!  I can only contain my snarky comments so often.  And if I have two crazy kids planning to base their future eating on something so shallow and fleeting as looks, I might have to dig a hole and bury myself in it to keep from tearing my hair out at the sheer silliness of it. 

Alright.  Tirade over.  

Enjoy the show. 

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