Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dinner Out

To celebrate Three's graduation, we took the boys out to dinner.

Baby was excited for the food.  He is extremely motivated by yumminess.

But after about sixty seconds with no food, Baby put on his ticked-off eyes. 

Then we moved onto his angry eyes.  
(The boys think Baby would make a great villain because of how he can make his whole face angry.  They find it very funny.) 

Meanwhile, in patient land, the boys were happy to watch sports on the tv's while they waited for their food. 

And Baby angrily ate puffs.  He wanted the good stuff to be delivered stat.  Soon, Baby, soon. 

Thirty puffs later, we have entered patient land with Baby as well. 

Then he decided he needed some Dad time.  Yep, for how grown up he has become he is still our Baby. 

And then the food arrived and all eating broke loose.  Baby stole french fries off his brother's plate and Three is looking just a little green after he had eaten half of his giant burger.  In the end, he decided to pack up the rest.  Minus a few french fries from our little resident food thief. 

Congratulations Three!

And now the boys want to go back to the dinner place.  Four qualified for GATE and has decided that he needs to be recognized and Husband has a few professional accomplishments to celebrate.  
We'll see, Boys.  We'll see. 

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