Uh oh! You caught me!

Friday, May 30, 2014
Fridge Worthy
Every Thursday the boys bring home their 'conduit' folders. This contains all their work from the previous week and any announcements to parents.
Five and I were looking through his conduit folder and he had a lot of great grades. Almost all 100% papers. I think he missed a period at the end of a sentence on one sheet. And...that's it.
Five decided to start labeling these sheets.
"This one goes on the fridge." "This is a good fridge one, Mom." "Put this on the fridge when we get home."
He kept flipping through the pages, letting me know what to do with them. Which is lovely. I want them to be happy when they do something well and know that we will proudly display it on the fridge. But...when all of his papers are excellent...I mean...I only have so much fridge space to go around. But, according to this kid, they are all fridge worthy. And really...how do you argue with that? Looks like our fridge is about to be covered.
Five and I were looking through his conduit folder and he had a lot of great grades. Almost all 100% papers. I think he missed a period at the end of a sentence on one sheet. And...that's it.
Five decided to start labeling these sheets.
"This one goes on the fridge." "This is a good fridge one, Mom." "Put this on the fridge when we get home."
He kept flipping through the pages, letting me know what to do with them. Which is lovely. I want them to be happy when they do something well and know that we will proudly display it on the fridge. But...when all of his papers are excellent...I mean...I only have so much fridge space to go around. But, according to this kid, they are all fridge worthy. And really...how do you argue with that? Looks like our fridge is about to be covered.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Not-so-Innocent Bystander
I heard water bottles being thrown in the kitchen. I raced to get my camera and went in the kitchen.
I found a little boy, innocently chewing on a Nerf dart.
Innocent until proven guilty anyway...
...apparently he couldn't wait for me to leave the vicinity before he was up to his ol' tricks again.
Sunday Driver
Look who has become a model driver. Apparently someone reads the blog....
Gold Dust or Bust Three
Caught this one a little late because I was surprised that he was in yet another song.
Gold Dust of Bust
Four was in a new play.
He sang and danced. He was great!
(I know. I don't know where he gets it either.)
Love this face!
Love this man!
Here are some videos of the singing and dancing.
And yes. We know that he is the shortest kid. Shortest kid in 4th grade. And yes. We know where he got that from. Sorry kid. That's on me.
*videos had to be added separately.
*videos had to be added separately.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Yes. In case you were wondering. Three's dream future job is still to be a FMM (Future Male Model).
And yes. I hear the universe laughing that I got a kid like this too.
Is it just me, or does this kid look like he is trying to talk me into something?
We start with the offhand comment...
Explain that it is the most reasonable request in the world...
Emphatically point out every other kid that gets what you want...
and end with a pleeeeeeeeeasssssse!
And yet, I still have to say no. Sorry kid. No motorcycles today.
Friday, May 16, 2014
And so it begins...
Last week, Five got out of class and then ran back to give a little girl a hug goodbye. It was a long hug.
"That's enough," I gently said.
Five released the girl, who was grinning.
As we were walking away, he leaned in close to me and whispered, "I've been flirting with her all day."
Then he chuckled and strutted on.
And so it begins...
Today at Target, the woman in front of me got my attention.
She said, "Your baby is quite the flirt."
I looked down at his grinning face.
"Yes, yes he is," I said.
And so it begins...
Today after school, Three called Four into the kitchen so he could show him how strong he was by opening the new salsa jar.
Which would have been fine.
If he hadn't added some kisses to his request. Oh, Three didn't kiss Four. Three kissed his skinny little arms, where biceps are just starting to grow. Over and over and over.
And so it begins...
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Adventures of a Nine Month Old
Sleeping off a milky lunch...
Practicing his magic tricks...
Now you see it...
...And now you don't!
And needing a little top off after all that excitement.
This is his life.
Someday, he will look back and wish for a simpler time. Enjoy it while it is here, kid.
Scouts did an opening activity with archery.
Husband has been very busy lately, but he left work at the dinner hour and helped the boys shoot some arrows. Then he packed up and went back to work for the next fifty hours.
They loved it!
You know, the part about shooting. Not the part about seeing Husband off. Ah well. This is life.
These are pictures of my boys and a couple of cub scouts before the boy scouts (in tan uniforms took over).
Five is in the light blue t-shirt. Four is in the camo hat. Husband is stringing all the bows. The kid in the red and the other kid in the blue cub scout uniform are in my scout den. Yep. I'm a den leader. And I love it.
Sorry the pictures are so far away. But I did mention that a seven year old, two nine year-olds, and a ten year-old were shooting arrows right? Yeah. This was the closest I was going to go.
They got some shooting in at the double target Husband made for the scouts a while ago.
Three came down to join the shooting practice. He's in the tan uniform.
No one was injured and they all got in a little practice. So, a win all around.
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