Friday, May 30, 2014

Fridge Worthy

Every Thursday the boys bring home their 'conduit' folders.  This contains all their work from the previous week and any announcements to parents.

Five and I were looking through his conduit folder and he had a lot of great grades.  Almost all 100% papers.  I think he missed a period at the end of a sentence on one sheet.  And...that's it.

Five decided to start labeling these sheets.

"This one goes on the fridge."  "This is a good fridge one, Mom."  "Put this on the fridge when we get home."

He kept flipping through the pages, letting me know what to do with them.  Which is lovely.  I want them to be happy when they do something well and know that we will proudly display it on the fridge.  But...when all of his papers are excellent...I mean...I only have so much fridge space to go around.  But, according to this kid, they are all fridge worthy.  And do you argue with that?  Looks like our fridge is about to be covered.  

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