Monday, September 23, 2013


Baby has a large wardrobe.  We have all the clothes left over from the first couple of kids plus all the new ones that were gifts for baby.  He is very, very spoiled.

This is one of my favorites.  His brothers don't remember wearing it but they did.  Five noticed the ensemble and said, "He looks like he came from a farm, Mom."  Yeah, I guess he does.  

What is new are the shoes.  He has lots of shoes - mostly from the TwirlyBird Boutique that my friend D has. (I cannot wait until he can fit into his checkerboard shoes!)  But back to the new shoes.  They are red and fantastic!  Husband may or may not have clicked Baby's heels together and whispered, "There's no place like home."  And I may or may not have laughed.  And Baby may or may not have given us a withering glance in response.  

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