Friday, September 13, 2013


Four days ago, Baby woke up every hour on the hour for a five hour stretch of the night and every other hour the rest of the night.  I was a zombie the next day.  Sleep deprivation is not good for my sense of humor. But every morning, Baby wakes up, bright-eyed and seemingly totally refreshed.  How?!  How?!

Two days later, at the point of exhaustion, Baby ate at 11pm.  He fussed and fell asleep.  See you in two hours, I thought.

When he woke up and started crying, I looked at the clock.  It was 5am.  I wondered if Husband was pranking me, changing the time on the clock while I slept.  But, no.  Alas the light was just beginning to filter through the curtains.  Baby had slept for six hours!

I picked him up and started kissing him like crazy.

He looked at me as if to say, "Listen Lady.  That is not how this works.  I cry, you wake up, mix me a drink, and change my diaper.  None of this smothering kisses stuff."

Too bad, my dear.  Too bad.  Mommy got six hours of sleep!  Prepare for a party of epic proportions.

He was less colicky than usual yesterday as well.  Oh, happy day!

This morning?  Back to business as usual.  But, I can take it.  I can see a light at the end of the sleep deprivation.  Someday, Baby's colic will calm down, and someday, Baby will sleep through the night. Or at least six hours.  I can live on that.

In the meantime, since he insists on being held most of the day, he and I have been watching some movies.  I introduced him to the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on you tube.  He wasn't that interested.

Then I introduced him to foreign films.  I really like foreign films but almost never have the time to sit down and read subtitles for three hours at a stretch.  With baby's needs, I am now sitting for large stretches of time. On the plus side, he seems to like the foreign music.  And if he starts speaking Japanese, or Hindi, or Norwegian, or develops a British accent, that is just a nice bonus.

The boys love him.  We love him.  I have no idea what we would do without Baby.  He is an absolute treasure.

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