It's official. Baby is as big as Five.
Good thing Five doesn't seem to mind. He loves Baby. Loves, loves, loves him.
These two crack me up. Two cuddlebugs, snug in a hug.
I love this outfit on him. Blue is a very good color for him.
If Baby ever grows up to be a pompous professor, we will look back on this picture and think, "Yeah. We should have seen it coming as he used to practice his pompous professor face in his sleep."
I love his feet.
There are very few pictures of Baby and me. So we took one of ourselves.
This kid is ridiculously adorable and calm - when he is sleeping. When he is awake, he is busier than a bee.
And yes that is a pink blanket. It is mine. I made it years ago. Five has dozens of blankets made just for him. But for some reason, he thinks it is funny to steal mine.
You know you are pale, when your baby is tanner than you. If anyone hears of a ghost paleness contest, let me know. I think I would win in a flash of skin.
I love how his hair gets all frizzy after a hard day's work.
Four, Six, and Five
Baby has colic. I think I have mentioned that before. It's hard on him. A bout hit the other day just as we were running our errands. He screamed bloody murder in the post office. I couldn't really blame him for that. Government offices can have that effect on anyone. Bureaucratic inefficiency is liable to make everyone a little sour. But then we went to Sprouts and he screamed like crazy again. I held a bottle in his mouth, while pushing the stroller, while grabbing the groceries. I was like an octopus race card driver. By the time we sped to the checkout line, he had dropped in a seamless sleep and look perfectly peaceful. So I took a picture. To remind myself that all colic bouts must end.
And in regard to colic, I finally decided to try yet another formula. I have resisted this particular one because the main ingredient is corn syrup. Which I equate with poison. And not just because I have a corn allergy. Corn syrup, in general, is terrible, even if your body can digest it. I don't completely restrict the kids from eating it, but I take great pains to buy the best food to stock in our home. Buying a formula that is pretty much straight corn syrup is bizarre to me. I really don't want to feed my baby corn syrup several times a day, every day. That is ludicrous to me. But...all the other formulas have produced the same result. No change in colic. His colic may or may not be related to formula but we are giving this idea one last shot. I am at the point where I am willing to give him anything (even a chemical sugar that I equate with junk), to alleviate his symptoms. We'll see.
I love his hands.
That's all the news that is fit to print.
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