Saturday, November 30, 2013


E and S 

Baby was excited for his first Thanksgiving.  Until we told him he was too young to eat anything.  

His cousins took turns feeding him though and that seemed to make him feel better.

Me and Baby.  I love his surprise eyes.

My sister, S, brought an old atari game system.  This is what my sisters and I played when we were little.  Games like Space Invaders, Parsec, Alpiner.  Cutting edge technology at the time. All the kids (and many of the adults) enjoyed playing the old video games. 

And Baby enjoyed a few naps. 

Dinner was delicious!  
I am grateful for good food, my husband, my darling children, my family, my health, friends, my children's birth families, and all my books.  

Baby was very excited to eat some turkey.  Next year, kid.  Next year.

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