Monday, November 11, 2013

What's in a Name?

Yep...that's about right.

Speaking of Baby the Beautiful, he and I had a little encounter with a woman the other day regarding names.

Let me set the scene.  Baby and I were shopping in a quiet bookstore, minding our own business.  Baby was in the stroller, happily looking around at all the books. 

Lady: Oh, what a beautiful little boy!  What's his name?
(For the purposes of this conversation, I will use his blog nom de plume - but in real life I used his name.)
Me: We named him Baby the Beautiful.  
Lady: (Looking incredulous) Reeeaaaalllly?
Me: Yep.
Lady: Well, I hope you have a nice nickname for him.
Me: Oh yes.  He goes by Baby, or Baby the Beautiful.  But mostly, we call him Beautiful.  (Which in real life is a very normal classic name.)
Lady: Well!  (And not like, "Well, that is a relief," or "Well, that is adorable," but more like, "Well, that is highly offensive!")

As the lady walked away, Baby just looked up at me and smiled.  Yeah...that's the way to take that, Baby. 

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