Monday, July 7, 2014

Fourth of July

We went to a pancake breakfast.  

The boys rode their bikes there.  Several miles.  Much of it on an upgrade.  They arrived very tired.

They ate some breakfast and then rode around the parking lot with friends. 

Have I ever told you that Baby likes to smack people.  Well he does.  He thinks it is very funny.  

And he likes to steal Daddy's glasses off his face.  He thinks that is very funny too. 

And he likes to play with napkins.  I don't know why.  He just really likes it.

After breakfast and playing around, several of the boys rode their bikes home.  I took the youngest in the car with me. 

Once home, Husband changed into his road bike gear and went off, on a hot July day, for a long bike ride.  Was it a fifty miler?  I don't know.  It was very long.  He thought it was fun.  I think he and Baby have very odd ideas of what constitutes 'fun'.  But...whatever.  They had it and apparently enjoyed themselves immensely.

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