Friday, July 11, 2014

So What Have We Been Up To?

This Summer:

*I discovered the amazing film, Fill the Void.  Don't watch the trailer.  Just watch the movie.  Beautiful. 

*The Boys and I have been enjoying Studio C clips on youtube.

This is one of my favorites: 

I mean, how many times has this happened to you at a party - at least a dozen right?

We also love 


Brilliant writing and utterly funny.  

*Baby has repeatedly starred in his own season of "Where are my pants?"

*I've been attacked by pirates...

...but at least I had warning.

The note says: 
Hello me harty Mom.  
I am going to attack you in the morning.
-Captain Five

*Later my pirates made their own pirates...

Five even cut little swords out of paper and attached them to his pirates.

*Baby spent a ten minute span of time licking the rim of every single cup in the cabinet.  At first I was upset.  Then I sat back and watched to see how long he could keep it up.  Quite some time.  

Then I spent the next ten minutes re-cleaning all the cups and putting them back in the cabinet.  

It was an adventure...

*The boys have been eating...and eating...and eating...

Guess who talked Daddy into buying him hot dogs at the store...

*Baby has not figured out how to chew gum.  But he has figured out that it is still really yummy to take the gum package out of Mommy's purse and suck on it.  He gets the flavor.  I get the pre-soaked soggy gum.  Win-Win?  Uh, no. 

*We've been doing a lot of reading this summer...

*And lots of fun brother time...

That's what we've been up to this summer.

And you?

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