Monday, July 1, 2013


On the second day we took the kids bowling.  

We started without the lane bumpers.  

But after a few turns, Aunt A, asked the bowling people to put them up.  Five weighs a little more than the average bowling ball, so it was only fair to give him a sporting chance.  

They had fun and ate pizza and drank soda.  It's not a vacation without soda for the kids.  (Since I limit it here in the home on normal days.)  

After bowling we went back to my older sister's place for dinner and games.  She made the best guacamole and the best apple dessert.  You can find the apple recipe in The Organic Kitchen - Autumn/Winter Menus by Linda Spiker.  It is a great cookbook.  Or you can become my friend and then ask me to make it for you.  It was so yummy!

If you think becoming my friend just for some incredible apple dessert is shallow or too much work, here is her blog if you want to try to track down the menu - The Organic Kitchen.

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