On the third day, we met for lunch and games. The house we were at was filled with bunnies. Porcelain bunnies, decorative bunnies, wood bunnies, bunny wallpaper, etc.
Which, of course, reminded me of the bunny song (I've Got a Theory) from the The Buffy the Vampire Slayer Musical. And the extremely odd new outdoor display at the local library. It looks like a whole bunch of pink-eyed bunnies staring at each other in a crop circle. Anyone else notice that?
The boys tried counting the bunnies. One of the inhabitants of the house speculated that they were probably about a thousand bunnies. That seemed about right. You leave a couple of bunnies alone at night and they multiply like crazy...
We played lots of games and watched the always witty and clever movie, Clue.
I didn't take a lot of pictures. In fact, I don't even think I got pictures of all my sisters. But you may notice, as you flip through these, that all of my bio-sisters are either blondie-blondes (including the one that I didn't get on camera) or a 'natural' redhead like me. All non bio-sisters one both sides have dark, dark hair.
H.B., Sister A, and Husband
My Grandpa and My Sister, E
(Can never get enough of her red hair deliciousness)
My Older Sister, S
And the house had a dog.
I believe the dog was a spy as it went by at least three different names while we were there.
The boys played with the dog for hours.
My Grandpa and Me
We had fun. Even though it was hotter than Hades. It was nice to see my grandpa and my sisters. I don't see my sisters often but we always pick up right where we left off.
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