Monday, July 1, 2013

E Free

For summer, I want to keep it easy.  

That being said, my boys could spend hours playing games on the wii and their ipads.  We don't have t.v. but  they still manage to fill their time with electronics.  Usually I don't mind.  They often play games together and build worlds together in games like Minecraft.  

But, summer is about more than computer games.

So I warned them a week ago, that beginning in July we would have two hours everyday that is completely free of electronics.  

Mostly.  We're not Amish.  They can use lights, and fans, and cameras, and can answer the phone if it rings, etc.  I even let them use the cd player if they want to play some kid music while they create.

But other than that - no electronics.  No movies, no wii, no ipads, no portable dvd player, no computer.  I want them to disconnect and play.  Outside, inside, whatever.  Just use your imagination.  Build something, read a book, play a board game, run around, paint.  You get the idea.    

Here is what they came up with today.

They built and played for one hour and fifty minutes.  They had a gas station, in-n-out, post office, etc in their town.  Then, without being asked, they cleaned up the mess and waited until the stroke of the passing of the second hour.  

First day down and no one lost their soul.  

Can't wait to see what they come up with tomorrow. 


  1. So neat that the just didn't build and play, but that they did it together!

  2. Yeah. The second day they all built with legos. It was like that most of the week until Friday. Then they got a little mad. But today went better. They played with musical instruments and played with blocks.
