Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Interview with a Three Month Old

(Excuse the picture reuse but I think he looks adorable here...) 

Name: Baby the Beautiful
Occupation: Look Adorable
Likes: Thumbs, Milky Bottles, Being Held 24-7, Cooing, Nap time, Bathtime, Smiling at People Who Tell Me How Cute I Am (to Reinforce How Cute I Really Am)
Dislikes: Colic, Being Not Held at All Hours of the Day, Tummy Time
Successes: Learning How to Suck my Thumb, Sleeping for a Six Hour Stretch at Night 
Goals: Learning How to Roll Over (Don't tell my parents but I think I might surprise them today!  I got halfway this morning.)

Baby the Beautiful is well loved by many, many people and we feel extra blessed to have him in our lives.  

Here is to the next three months!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bike Rides

Husband has been taking Three out for bike rides.  They are about 20 miles typically.  Which isn't really a workout for Husband - he needs 50 milers - but perfect for rides with Three and the Doughboys.


Three and one of the Doughboys

As soon as Three is up to it, Husband will be dragging him out on longer and longer rides.  It's a good thing Three doesn't seem to mind.

Five is Now Seven

For Five's Birthday, we let him choose where to go to dinner.  He chose Stonefire because he loves their bread sticks.

The next day he wanted to go walk around Toys 'R' Us.  So we did.  I let him browse as long as he wanted.

You know, if Three had just listened to me and stopped secretly growing at night, he wouldn't have had such a tough time fitting into this tiny police car. 

Four pretended he was an old a corvette.

Hey Ladies, you want to hop in my ride?

After we browsed, we went home.  Very easy activity.


There are many, many things that I do well or very well.  

However, there are a few things that no amount of magic will help me to do well.  Or even passable.  

For example, I cannot sing.  I sound worse than the seagull in The Little Mermaid.  

For another example, I cannot decorate a cake to save my life.  So I gave up many years ago.  However, this year, I decided to bake a homemade cake so I could have some.  (Store bought cakes are poisonous to me.)  So I baked the cake and then wisely turned the decorating over to the birthday boy.  

Not bad. 

He was excited to open his presents...

...and blow out the candles on his cake.

The cake was organic chocolate and very, very good.  But I was not used to how sweet cake is.  I haven't had cake in years and my body forgot what a sugar rush a piece of cake can be.  The boys and I polished off half of it and called the whole affair a grand birthday.  


Well, we finally set up the baby crib.  

He has been in a bassinet but we anticipate him learning to roll over soon.  
(Husband swears baby rolled over the other night in his sleep, but if Mom wasn't there to see it, did it really happen?  No.)

Anyway, it was time to set up the crib.  Baby will be the sixth child to use it.  Four and Five used it and then we lent it out a couple of times.  (It's been nearly seven years since we have had a baby...)

Pulled out all the old crib bedding, washed it, and threw it in the crib.  Still in great shape.

 All ready...

Trick or Treat - Take One

Guess who wanted me to whip him up a werewolf costume this week?

He showed me a picture and was very pleased with the results.  Exactly, Mom!  Well, good. 

His friend was also a werewolf and they asked me to 'fur up' his costume.  Right o!

Harry Potter and the Dragon from Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter putting a stupify curse on the dragon to stop him mid breath.

A witch

2 Dragons and an Indian

Must get my own sari someday...I love Indian fashion.

Harry Potter eating dinner.  Yes, folks, he is just like the rest of you.  Except he can do magic. So, really, he's better.

Our Fantastic Friends

Me with our Decorated Car.  
Unfortunately, I am sitting in front of all the fantastic decorations that Husband set up.  
Trust me.  It was very fun and Halloweenie.   

The Dragon watched the proceedings.  His first major holiday party!  Very exciting!

And then, he seemed to realize that he was dressed up but not getting any of the goods.  To protest this ridiculousness, he jumped on the car and tried to pretend he was Godzilla.  Sorry, kid.  Still no candy.  

Yep.  Don't weigh quite enough to smash anything, kid.  Better luck next year.


Grandpa (my dad) came to visit again.  

He and One went golfing and cheered for opposing teams at the USC v. Utah football game.  

He seemed to enjoy watching the boys trick or treat at the Halloween party and helped me clean up all the decorations.  

In the meantime, he hung out with the boys and got in some bonding time.   

Until next time...

This Boy...

Lately, Five has been making cool shapes out of paper.


Crown and Heart

and, although I don't have pictures of them, he has also made a sord (sword), pikax (pickax), and shuvl (shovel).  He is a very creative speller.

Which brings me to my next point.  Never play hangman with a creative speller.  
SBidrman, Megin, and Dane were all winners for him.  

Have you figured them all out yet? 

He had to write about his Halloween costume for school.  He wrote about being a nite (knight). 

But the best are all the notes he has been writing to me lately.  Thanking me for making him lunch, cuddling him, reading him books.  Never mind that he usually writes these lovely notes while in time out for clocking his older brother over the head with a sword.  But still, I love them, creating spelling or not. 

He is growing into such a cute boy!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Family Night Madness

Every week, we set aside one day for 'Family Night'.  It is normally Monday night.  However, I am behind schedule on just about everything right now and so this week, Family Night was on Wednesday.  To make up for the schedule change, the boys got an organ transplant bag for treat.  I had filled the bag with chewy body organs.  Because I think that is funny.

The boys loved their treats.  They pretended to be Mad-Eye Moody...

and Cyclops...

It was all fun and games, until they spotted brains...

then the zombies attacked. 

Baby became concerned and called for help on the funny phone. 

After eating the brains, the boys returned to normal and Baby became happy again.  

And with a happy baby, content to swing on his own for a minute, I could finally clean my room.  And that made for a very happy Momma.   


Day Two

This was taken on day two.  His eye was swollen shut and his face skinned.  

Four is healing nicely and we have gotten a lot of mileage out of zombie jokes in the last week. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Bad Day

I got a call from the school.  Four fell and was injured.  Could I come by and see what should be done.  

Husband was still home.  He took off to check out the situation.

He returned home fifteen minutes later with this very banged up, very much in pain little boy. 

He has road rash all over the left side of his face and a black eye.  He's going to be in pain for a while.  If you can keep him in your prayers, we would appreciate it.