Sunday, October 27, 2013

This Boy...

Lately, Five has been making cool shapes out of paper.


Crown and Heart

and, although I don't have pictures of them, he has also made a sord (sword), pikax (pickax), and shuvl (shovel).  He is a very creative speller.

Which brings me to my next point.  Never play hangman with a creative speller.  
SBidrman, Megin, and Dane were all winners for him.  

Have you figured them all out yet? 

He had to write about his Halloween costume for school.  He wrote about being a nite (knight). 

But the best are all the notes he has been writing to me lately.  Thanking me for making him lunch, cuddling him, reading him books.  Never mind that he usually writes these lovely notes while in time out for clocking his older brother over the head with a sword.  But still, I love them, creating spelling or not. 

He is growing into such a cute boy!

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