Wednesday, April 2, 2014

From Newborn to Sixteen in 6.8 seconds

Baby got a brand new (to us) ride.  

(Thanks B!)

Here he is - checking it out.

Me: Now remember, Son, be careful.
Baby: Yes Mother.

Me: Always remember to keep both hands on the wheel.
Baby: Yes Mother.

Me: Don't let your friends or passengers distract you when driving.
Baby: Yes Mother. 

Me: Stay focused at all times.
Baby: Yes Mother.

Me: Son! Is that a cell phone in your hand?  
Baby: Yes Mother.

Me: You should never drive and text at the same time.
Baby: Yes Mother.

Me: It is important to follow the safety rules at all times.
Baby: Look at me!  Hands free while driving and texting.

Me: No, Baby, no!  That is dangerous!
Baby: I got it handled, Mother.




*No babies were actually injured.  But I hope we all learned a valuable lesson today.  You blink twice and your babies grow up...

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