Monday, April 28, 2014

Shark Lagoon

After Birthday Boy's dinner, we went to the Shark Lagoon.

You can pet the sharks (hammerhead, zebra, bamboo, etc) and rays, play on some fun things, and watch the big sharks in the tank.  And it's free.  How awesome is that?  

Since it was on the water, it was a little breezy.  So Baby slipped inside a bear to keep warm. 

Not that way!  The other way!  Look up!  Look up!

I loved this shark.  It looked like he was smiling. 

This is his grumpy friend. 

And here's Smiley again. 

The Bear and the Birthday Boy

Playing and Climbing

We spent a lot of time telling this one that it was okay to use the two finger touch to feel the sharks and rays.  We assured him that it was alright to put his hand in the water with the sharks - that it was safe.  I'm not sure we didn't go too far. 

My favorite boys in the whole wide world. 

Then I tried to feed one of them to the shark.  Perhaps I listened to the 'safe shark' propaganda a little too much myself.

We left the fake shark and went back to the real sharks.  To touch them.  To put our real fingers within the reach of their mouths  Irony?

And now the kid is trying to use the two finger touch on a bear.  Okay.  We definitely went too far with the safe 'you don't need to be afraid' talk.  This is one bear that will bite!

That is a happy bear!

The two older boys got shark necklaces and Five picked out a large stuffed shark that he named Chompy.  

True to his moniker, Chompy bit every single one of us on the way home.  There was blood everywhere.  Well, there goes the safe stuff. 

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