Friday, April 25, 2014

School Recognition

Yesterday, Five's teacher told me that Five was going to be getting school recognition at the next morning assembly due to improved behavior.

I was glad for Five.  Good behavior is harder for him as he tends to be very impulsive.  He has averaged one behavior notice a month during the last two years.  Most kids get one or two their entire career.  My response to her was, "Let's hope he doesn't blow it in the next 24 hours.

She laughed.

Five did well at school yesterday and was so excited this morning. 

They called his name.  The kids cheered.  He went up.

And then I noticed this expression.  

Either he is very proud of his new self-control...

or he realizes he just got away with an incredible coup.

I'm not sure which.

I suppose time will tell.

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