Saturday, April 12, 2014


We had Three's siblings over for a visit last weekend. 

We did an Easter egg hunt, lunch, and a spirited game of Spy Alley. Congrats to C for winning. 

Here are a few pictures of the fun.

First, Three opened a birthday gift from his sister, C.

A remote controlled car!  The boy was happy.

Then we sent the kids on a hunt.

220 Eggs. Six Hunters.  3 Minutes.

And go!

And done!

Baby chomped on a plastic egg.  

Next year, kid.  Next year you can hunt with the rest of them...

We had yummy steak and salmon and chocolate covered strawberries.  Throw in some fruit salad, rolls, and Gianna's bunny cookies and we ate well.  Very well. 

The kids played Spy Alley with many twists and turns.  They all played well.  

One thing that I thought was super awesome about this visit was when A came bearing gifts. 

He had worked on some homemade gifts in woodshop.  

He made name boards for the boys.

And he made this for all of us.

Which I promptly claimed because I love organizers with holes and shelves. 

It is solid wood and looks really awesome.  

I love, love, love this gift.  

He kept reminding me that he had help.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  You made us gifts!  

Beautiful, amazing gifts. 

I said thank you repeatedly but I'm not sure he realized how much I love this gift.  It makes me happy and we will use it for years and years.  And by we, I mean me.  Because I love it.   

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