Saturday, October 18, 2014

Birthday Dinner

To celebrate Five's upcoming birthday, we let him choose a place to eat dinner.

He chose BJ's.  Which everyone was pretty happy about. 


Yep.  That's my kid.  Reading a good book in a restaurant.

Looking older already.


Sleeping baby...

...or murder victim?


As soon as Baby realized there was going to be food, he woke up.  And ate.  

He clapped when he heard other people clapping at plays for the football games on the screens.

And he finally mastered drinking out of a straw.

The boys enjoyed their dinner.  And then...because it is a birthday...we let them get dessert!

Ah, yes.  That's for me...

Wait!  Why are you putting it so far away?! 

Just dive right in!

And someone was he stole my frilly sweater.

Nice.  I am tempted to blow this one up and put it in the front entryway.

All in all, I think Five had a good birthday dinner.

And Baby liked it too.

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