Saturday, October 25, 2014

Salad Thief

I made Baby and me a nice lunch.  

I made a large chicken Caesar salad and we had fresh bread and sliced cantaloupe.  

Nice right?

I offered to make Five a lunch.  He declined.  Said he wasn't hungry.  Okay.

I put all the food on the table for Baby and me.  

Then I got up to get something.

When I came back, I found this.

Well!  Just make yourself at home, kid!


Baby likes to eat the chicken out of the salad.  It is his thing.

And you can see in the next few pictures that he did not like someone encroaching on his thing.

He was screeching pretty loud by now.

"Throw the baby some chicken!" I yelled to the salad thief.

He did.  And by the time to two of them were through, I had this.  Very little salad left.  

As five walked away, he said, "Nice salad."

You think?!

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