Saturday, October 18, 2014

Family Pictures

Well, it was time.  New family pictures are coming.  Until then, here are some outtakes from the shoot.

Yes.  The boys brought their hiking sticks to the shoot.  Seriously.  We banned them from the real pictures but since this is the behind the you know. 

I joked with him that he should give me a model serious face.  Yep.  He nailed it. 

Doesn't he look angsty and slightly tortured to you?

Baby was not very smiley for the shoot and he was pretty tired after, falling asleep in the car.  I hope that he doesn't look super grouchy in the pics. 

My Handsome Husband

Us.  With Three photobombing in the background.

Hopefully we'll get some good shots of the family so we can replace the outdated photo at the top of the blog to include all six family members. 

If not...then I give up.  Resign.  Accept defeat.

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