Saturday, October 25, 2014

Halloween Party

The boys had a Halloween party to go to.  So, of course, I said yes.

There was a lot of dancing and this kid got down!  He was great!

,,,And this one?  This one tried to rob me for my candy...

This one and I had a long discussion over whether Robin Hood was a hero or not.  I tried to get him to understand the idea of integrity.  But he kept saying it was fine because Robin Hood took from the rich.  I smacked my hand to my forehead and reminded him who we were in the world - who most Americans are in the world.  Not only that but the tax situation in America.  

Then he tried to argue that Robin Hood was a hero because the Sheriff was evil.  I explained that they could both be in the wrong.

He rolled his eyes and I worried over his moral relativity. 

At least he looks adorbs in the costume.   

Fun times were had by all.

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