Monday, October 27, 2014

Trunk or Treat

Every year we participate in a trunk or treat.  Which is a misnomer to me.  I think it should be called trunk and treat.  It is not an 'or',  it is an 'and'.  There is a trunk and there is a treat.

But that is neither here nor there.  

We went.  It was fun.

Baby didn't want to keep his Jack Skellington hat first.

Our neighbor friend, L, learned the delight of a trunk or treat a few years ago...lots and lots of candy for very little work. 

He looks forward to joining us every time.  And I don't blame him a bit.

Husband dressed up as an In-n-Out associate.   That brought back memories for me.  I still have dreams of working the salad bar (where you put the burgers together) and it has been at least fifteen years.  He looked very handsome to me.    

I love my dress!  Don't mind the petticoats though.  I couldn't keep it on my waist.  Whoops.   

A Duck and Charlie Brown
If it looks like a duck...quack, quack.

Can you see Baby wandering around?  He kept picking up the pumpkins and chucking them.  He is a pumpkin chucker.  Has been all month.  

Looking dapper...

Eating Dinner
Pizza, Salads, and Fruit

Wrong end, Buddy.

An In-n-Out guy eating pizza...

I swear it's not blood...

Out for his first walk-around trick or treating experience.

Me and A Pumpkin
She also happens to be a pumpkin chucker.

Which seems strange for a pumpkin to be...

Baby finally figured out what he was collecting all night.  You mean, this is candy I get to eat?!

A friend took a picture of my dress all spread out.  So pretty...

And a shot of baby eating another candy...

Yep.  I think he definitely figured it out.

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