Saturday, November 22, 2014

New Family Pictures


Family pictures that include all of our family members and everyone seems to be looking at the camera.  

It's a blessed miracle!

Fun fact:  
Husband wore this shirt on our first date, nearly fifteen years ago.  
So either he needs to shop more, or it's a quality garment...

...and we don't look so bad for all of our mileage either...

and these are quite literally my favorite children in the whole wide world.

Adventures and Reflections with Regard to Fibula Fractures

Because of a certain incident, I've had a lot of sitting time recently.  Which may not be good for someone such as I, with a brain that never seems to stop churning and has, what my husband refers to as, an overly active imagination that won't stop asking the what if question.  

So I thought I might try to capture some of my thoughts, impressions, stories, and gratitude in a post.  


This incident further reinforces my idea that I really want to die with a good story.  No one wants to be in the afterlife, chatting with the other dead, and have to say, I died peacefully.  Bo-ring.  Well, the same could be said for breaking a bone.  Could I not have at least been rescuing orphans from a burning building?  Or racing toward a good cause?  Nope.  I fell.  I didn't trip over anything.  I didn't roll my ankle.  I literally just missed a step on the staircase.  I'm bored with my own experience.  Where was the adventure that preceded it?!  Break failure.


I am incredibly humbled by all the help we have received.  We really, really needed it.  And we have had many hands working hard to fill our needs and keep tabs on us.  


Even though they ask your birthdate at every step of the medical process, the woman who splinted my leg (and clarified my birthdate) asked how old I was.  And then refused to believe me.  The proof was literally in the medical record that she was holding.  And she just kept expressing astonishment.  I spent a great deal of time as she worked on me, reassuring her that, yes, I was indeed the age I said I was.  And that yes, I did indeed have four children.  And that yes, my oldest is twelve.  (And while I didn't give birth to him as he was adopted, yes he was born within the time frame of my marriage.)  

Someday I really wanted to tell people who persist in not believing me that I have four kids, and that the oldest is twelve, that I am really twenty-one years old.  Let's see if they tell me I look good for my age then.  

But deciding to pull that prank trigger while someone is painfully manipulating your leg into a splint was decidedly not the right time.  But someday I will do it.  Just to see how they react when I agree with them that I am not my real age.        

And yes, I will probably have to take a few stripes for that one in the afterlife.  But I think it will be worth it.  I mean, if they insist on disagreeing with a fact, then I am allowed to have a little fun, right?


Whoever invented the rubber that goes on top of crutches is a genius.  Yes.  Crutches still chafe.  But, for Pete's sake, they are not the wooden sticks of yesteryear.  Ouch!  I am grateful for rubber padding.


My own high opinion of myself has gone even higher.  I know.  I know.  You typically expect an egotistical statement like that from Husband or Three.  But today, you are getting it from me.  

But, we have had so much help - just to make it through - this week.  Makes me think that I (and all the other at-home moms) are really quite amazing.  And when Mom goes down, it takes many, many willing hands to keep the ship afloat.  Moms are incredible.  One might almost think God designed women to be incredibly amazing on purpose...


I'm really grateful I broke my left leg.  I need my driving leg to survive.  Who knew that I cared more about one leg than the other?  But there it is.  I have favorites.


I learned an important lesson.  When a hospital offers you a handicap placard because you broke your leg, take it, darn it!  I did not.  I have a fatal flaw in my personality where I think I can do anything I set my mind to.  So broken leg or not, I would be just fine, thank you very much.

Until an hour later.  When I was heading to the second pharmacy of the day to fill a (non-related but vital) prescription.  There were a hundred open spots near the pharmacy at the hospital.  They were all handicapped.  The closest regular spot?  Felt like a mile on crutches.  (But was really probably a quarter mile.)  To get there.  Then I had to go back.  If I was a cursing woman, I would have made sailors blush.  Instead I just said, "Fiddlesticks!" a lot and took many, many breaks.  Oh the stupidity of my fatal personality flaw!


My sons are amazing.  They've helped bring stuff to me, move my crutches, pulled me to my feet, played with Baby, and a million other things.  I love them.

They've also introduced Baby to fruit snacks and chocolate coins.  And plied him with as many chocolate covered pretzels as he desired.  So...

But, I'm going to focus on the positive.  My sons are amazing.  They really are.  And we will deal with Baby's new fruit snack addiction at a later date.

I am grateful to Studio C.  Because when your leg really hurts, it feels good to have a great laugh.  Or ten thousand.  We'll deal with my Studio C addiction at a later date.


In the end, this has humbled me and taught me to have way more compassion for those around me with struggles.  Got that, God?  I've learned this lesson.  No need to repeat it ever, right?  Right?

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fractured Fibula

So...I fell.  Missed a step.  Heard my ankle crunch.  Waited for it to feel better.  After five minutes of pain, that seemed to increase in ouchiness, I crawled upstairs and called for help.  BMB came and got me and Baby and off we went.  

I wanted the doctor to tell me that I was just being a big baby.  They sent me for X-Rays.  Red flagged my file.  That's never happened before.  

Well, she didn't call me a baby. Instead she said I broke a bone.  Simple fracture. She told me that if there is a bone to break in your leg, it is the fibula.  It is the outside, lower leg bone.  Non- weight bearing.  
Image result for leg bone diagram


Husband was out of town.  Like way out of town.  In fact, he was out of the country.  I have a little one that literally keeps my running, and I had just broken my leg.  

You know what my thought was?

I thought, "Well, I'm thirty-five and I've never really broken a major bone.  Guess, it's my turn."

No kidding.  And I had no pain meds to blame it on.

Weird thought, right?  

Anyway, they splinted me.

Can you tell where I nailed it?  Right above the ankle joint.

And for the first time in my life I didn't have wankles (weak ankles), I had a cankle.  It would have been cool if it didn't hurt so much. 

Friends, neighbors, family, and the Relief Society kicked in.  They set up meals, rides for the kids, childcare for the baby, grocery shopping, and more.  We have been very, very well taken care of.

I had the splint for a few days and managed to skip pain meds all together.  So either I am amazing or a masochist.  Not sure which.  

Today I went to my casting appointment, very worried about being in a cast for two months.  (You do not even want to hear about the shower adventures I had.)

And what do you know?  They decided to boot me instead.  Yay! 

My leg hurts really bad right now because I was on it like crazy today but hopefully that will settle down.  And I can take it off for showers.  Double yay!

In the end, breaking a bone is no fun.  But, we were able to feel the love of those around us, and we are very grateful for the all the service that everyone has given to us and offered to give.  Challenges are no fun - but they can give us great insight into how amazing all those around us really are.  Doesn't the world just a feel a little brighter, a little warmer, when you feel the love of those around you?

And in the meantime, I am building muscular arms and upper thighs from all the modified movement I am doing.  

So it really is a double blessing. 

Sewing Project Mania Update

  A few months ago, I went through a cutting mania for a whole bunch of quilting projects I was going to do.  I searched high and low, here and there for the right fabrics.  And then I created the right mixes of those fabric groupings for different women that I love and wanted to serve.  I made three different mixes out of each fabric family, all custom for each woman.  Then I cut for days, nay weeks, it felt like.  Until my little fingers hurt.

I was so excited to make everyone a homemade Christmas gift!

Then I had kind of a lousy couple of months health wise.  September and October are kind of a blur of blech.

So I whittled my goals down from thirteen completed quilts for Christmas to one.  
(It takes me about ten hours from start to finish for each one.  And that is without the added help of Baby as he pulls all the sewing pins out of the pin cushion or as he pushes the sewing peddle and then laughs as I shriek in fear.)  

I got busy.  

Planning, ironing, piecing.

I even split the back to give it some flare on the other side.  (This picture doesn't do it justice but anyway...)  I was on a roll. 

Then I put it in order...and I felt like crying.

It wasn't right.  The blue and brown combo was too dark.  I wanted something lighter, airier, like winter snowflakes.  And I made something heavy.

I went to bed feeling very defeated.  

And then, for whatever miraculous reason (perhaps laziness at the idea of picking out all those darn stitches or perhaps just seeing it in the light of a new and sunny day), I woke up and looked at it again and I loved it.  Not for what I thought I was going to do with it in the beginning but for what it came out to express at the end.

Excited I finished piecing the back.

I cut the backing and the middle to all fit and got ready to pin and sew the edges.  

Then I might have taken a tiny tumble down a measly step or two and fractured my fibula.  

Is it just me or does the universe seem to be fighting me on these sewing projects?

So...I am determined to finish this quilt, Universe.  Do you hear me?  Determined.

And if you don't get a homemade quilt this year, well...better luck next year.  Or the year after that.  After all, I've done most of the planning and cutting.  So odds are I will get a few done by Christmas next year.  If you don't get one this year (or next) it doesn't mean I don't love you, care about you, or want to do it for you.  Well, some of you.  I really don't know who all reads this.  Anyway, I want to do it.  But apparently it will take a small miracle for this to all finally come together.  

And for the lucky woman that gets this quilt this year, well, I hope you can appreciate the darker features.  If not, only use it when the lights are off.  Because I am fighting against a crazy curse here and I am not sure who will get the last laugh in the end.     

Hero Worship

Baby has decided to dress like his idol in hopes that he can get more presents.

Either he is manipulatively evil or cunningly clever.  

But no matter how you decide, he is ridiculously adorable.  

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus lane...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sun, Surf, and Sand

Beautiful 75 Degree Weather + Four Boys with Boundless Energy = Beach Day

At first, Five didn't mind Baby playing with him. 

Then he remembered what Baby is famous for...sand castle destruction...dun dun dun.

He did his best to redirect him...

Then I tried to distract him...

This is Five's 'I'm about to lose it on this kid because he is trying to destroy my sand castle' face.

I intervened before I lost a child.  And Baby got a new place to play.  It's like magic.

Is it just me or does it seem like Heaven was especially shining down on Five?

How about now...?

Then all the boys decided to dig a giant hole.  Baby was invited to help.  Which he did.  

And Five offered to be the water carrier/shell finder.

Me.  Really enjoying a good day, both weather-wise and health-wise.

Yep.  These are my favorite sons in the whole wide world.  

Forced Education

Five put his bears to work this morning - reading and writing their letters.

My future dictator....


You could have just told me your were done...

Chalk Handprint

I think we can deduce who did this...

Pinewood Derby 2014

I made Snicker Bar cars (and Milky Way Cars and Three Musketeers Cars) again.

Three was a judge.  Which wasn't really necessary because they had a great timer on the end of the track.  But...they asked the scouts to help anyway.

Baby put on his angry eyes to let me know that he was upset that the other kids were allowed to have a red vine.

Don't worry...he got one too.  Or two too.

And this kid placed in the top three overall.  Good for you, Four!