Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sun, Surf, and Sand

Beautiful 75 Degree Weather + Four Boys with Boundless Energy = Beach Day

At first, Five didn't mind Baby playing with him. 

Then he remembered what Baby is famous for...sand castle destruction...dun dun dun.

He did his best to redirect him...

Then I tried to distract him...

This is Five's 'I'm about to lose it on this kid because he is trying to destroy my sand castle' face.

I intervened before I lost a child.  And Baby got a new place to play.  It's like magic.

Is it just me or does it seem like Heaven was especially shining down on Five?

How about now...?

Then all the boys decided to dig a giant hole.  Baby was invited to help.  Which he did.  

And Five offered to be the water carrier/shell finder.

Me.  Really enjoying a good day, both weather-wise and health-wise.

Yep.  These are my favorite sons in the whole wide world.  

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