Saturday, November 8, 2014

Baptism Day - Part One

Five is eight.  And in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or Mormon) faith that means that he can now choose to be baptized.  

He chose to be baptized and was super excited and bouncy about it.

Here are some pictures from before and during the ordinance and talks. 

Three's older brother, A, is visiting with us.  And I think this is my favorite picture ever of the two brothers.

Baby and Grandpa E

Father and Son, getting ready...

Five with Grandpa and Grandma E

The bishop (like a pastor or a reverend) of our ward (congregation) gave Five some good advice and hopefully some good memories.  He allowed Five to stand on the chair to see all of the loved ones there to support him and I think Five really, really liked that an authority figure allowed him to stand on a chair. 

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