Saturday, August 31, 2013

Pool Fun - Late Afternoon

Because it was still scorching hot by the time Husband came home, he decided another trip to the pool was on the agenda.  

This time, Baby did go in.  

He was a little shy at first...

but then seemed to get into it.

Thank goodness for lots of pools. 

Pool Fun - Morning

It has been uncharacteristically hot here lately.  

I took the boys to the pool.

Baby dunked his toes in and did not like it.  

Otherwise, the cool water was a welcome respite.  

For the morning...


Here are some more of Baby.  

We thought this onesie was appropriate.  This kid can eat.  Just like the very hungry caterpillar.

Baby, what are you up to...?

Modern day Calvin and Hobbes...

Is it just me or does it look like he was just caught doing something with Prince Fluff-fluff.  
(The boys named the stuffed animal that.)

 And now they are having a staring contest.  

My money is on the prince.  

Cause he is stuffed.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Family Pictures

Husband put this together.  I love it!

Building Fun

This is from a few weeks ago, when we were out of town with Baby.  The grandparents took the boys to build some trucks.  I am pretty impressed. 

Beach Day - August

Baby saw the beach for the first time today.  Well...he saw it after he woke up from his leisurely morning nap.  

While he snoozed, the boys played.  After getting home, I realized that I took very few pictures of them in the water, with their boards.  Best laid least everyone had fun and arrived home in one (sandy) piece. 

Five spun so much, he made himself dizzy.  Remember doing that as a kid?  

Once Baby woke up, he wanted to explore. 

Four took pictures of the giant hole he dug.

And Baby didn't know what to make of his sandy toes. 

It was a very good day!

Best Buds

All the boys love Baby.  Really, really love him.  

But Three and Baby have created a special bond.  

Baby Brother

This first picture might be more appropriate for October...however, I thought it would be good to document the fact that, at times, Baby likes to sleep with his eyes open.  

Two of my sisters used to do that.  (I wonder if they still do.)  

Anyway, I remember walking past them as a child and seeing their eyes roll around while they slept.  Or worse, talking to them for a while and then realizing they were asleep.  Memories.... 

Ahhh...that's better. 

He puckers his lips a lot when he sleeps.  Think he's dreaming of kissing cute girls...?