Sunday, August 11, 2013

Home Again

We returned home to balloons, cake, and dinner made for us. 

We ate awesome enchiladas and tried (and failed) to adequately thank all those that helped us while we were gone - including the DiGuis - who watched our kids for many of the days.  We had help from Grandma and Grandpa with the boys and driving, help from Visiting Teacher with rides to the airport and treats, help from neighbors with our fish and house.  

We have great friends!

Baby got to meet his brothers for the first time.  They have been so, so good with him.  Makes my heart so happy. 

Baby has received many gifts.  Like these two amazing homemade blankets.  And a stuffed animal.  And clothes.  He has been very spoiled. 



Some of my sisters and their families came to visit. 

Auntie E

Cousin M

Cousin E

Cousin H

While we were all visiting, our great friend, R, brought over a fantastic homemade meal.  It was so yummy!  We gorged on goodness.

Yep.  She's fantastic!

Auntie S, Uncle M

Baby is well loved by all of his family, birth and adopted. 

We feel extremely blessed to have him in our lives and love him to bits and pieces.

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