Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Baby Whisperer

Husband has always been better than me at the newborn stage.  We have our strengths and his is 0-6 months.  He rocks that stage.

I've thought a lot about why that might be.  I thought back to those first few months with each kid.

With the first child, I was having a hard recovery from a c-section, I got mastitis, and my baby wouldn't latch for six weeks.  So I was pumping and feeding.  So fun.  I was a mess.  Husband had started a new job the day after Four was born so he wasn't around as much, but when he was, he was on top of it.

With the second child, I had a natural birth and so the recovery was better, but after being deathly ill for the duration of the pregnancy, I was pretty weak.  And I got mastitis again.  Twice.  And baby didn't latch for eight weeks.  So I was pumping and feeding again.  Husband stepped it up and took care of Four and Five while I tried to get back to health.

With the third child, he came at age 9. newborn stage there.

And with this baby, Husband is rocking it again.  He is so good at calming the baby, rocking the baby, soothing the baby.  I'm decent.  But he is amazing.

Maybe it was a tender mercy from the Lord that Husband could have this strength when I was always just trying to get my feet under me.  I desperately needed him to be strong during the first two newborn stages.  But, what about now?  I have no recovery going on.  Sure, there is a lot of organization to suddenly put in place.  But...physically I feel great.

And then it hit me, watching the boys watch their dad be so good, so amazing with Baby.  Maybe
this time, Husband's extraordinary baby skills aren't for me, but for them.  The boys are mimicking his attitude toward the baby, being tender and careful, loving and kind.  They are going to be fathers someday and I love that they are getting such a great example of what a man can be, right here in their own home.  It is truly a blessing for all of us.


  1. Congratulations!!!! We are so happy for all of you! He came to a great family!!

  2. I keep thinking of you guys. I'm just so happy. And glad things seem to be going well :)
    And wow, I never knew about all that pumping. What a trooper!!!
