Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve Reflections...

It's the end of 2014 and time to reflect on the past year.

We legally added the final touch to our family as Baby was officially adopted and sealed.  

We enjoyed the continued growth and health of our other three sons.

We enjoyed many sibling visits with Three's siblings.

We were able to see and visit with Baby's birth family twice this year.  

We were able to enjoy two family reunions this year - one on Husband's side in Sedona and one on my side in the Midwest. 

Three and I survived his first trimester of junior high.  This was huge!  Oh and he refuses to stop growing.  So he is huge.  He is now closing in on being taller than Husband.  

Four was in GATE and loved the extra challenges, homework, and classwork to challenge his sharp little brain.  He also got to dissect a lot of fun things in science class, which he loved.

Five remains a feisty and strong personality who spent time developing his artistic side.  And he is a shrewd game player.  He often acts like he is not really paying close attention.  And then he nails you and wins. 

We all survived the sale of husband's company which literally had him working 18 hours a day for months as he was the numbers guy on the deal. 

And then we all survived my broken leg while he had a lot of travel near the end of the year for his new parent company.  And we survived because we are surrounded by some of the very best, most loving people in the whole world.  

Baby has learned how to say, "Uh-oh," scream Dad! at the top of his lungs, say Mom, over and over and over again without connecting that word to me, even though I say,"yes?" every single time, open the front door (yikes!  We are now locking the top lock.), open the tops of water bottles, become a much pickier eater, throw heavy balls (and pumpkins) much higher and farther than any kid his size should be able to, learned how to move the stool around so he can get up higher and wreak havoc, turn water faucets on and off, climb up and down stairs, color with crayons or pens or markers on paper, walls, or bedding, wave bye-bye, and he is just getting the hang of learning to blow kisses.  It's been quite a busy year for him. 


We lost many friends this year.  Oh not to death.  That might be forgivable.  We lost so many of them to moving.  We live in a place that is too expensive for most people to stay.  Or they have to go on to post-post graduate school.  Or they find great dream jobs elsewhere.  Whatever.  The goodbyes, of amazing friends, year after year, was especially hard this year.  I have vowed to leave them all behind and see how they like it.  

How is that vow going, you ask?  Not well.  We are still here and we are losing more friends starting in the new year.  Blech.  Maybe I should just stop being so darn charming and stop making new friends.  Although...some of the new people moving into the area seem slightly interesting...and a few, very few, of our long term friends have no current plans to leave... 


This year I read 192 stories.  It goes up every year since I started keeping track.  Last year was 141.  Crazy, right?  But, while it seems like a huge increase, it is not quite as amazing as it looks because - thanks to kindle - I read a few more novellas this year than I normally do.  

Still...192 stories is nothing to sneeze at.  Nor is it an addiction by any means.  I swear.  But if I end up stranded on a deserted island, I will need my whole library to survive.  But, it's not an addiction.  At least, my friend, Amazon, doesn't think so.  And I am sure that that is all that matters.  


The book I am most looking forward to reading in 2015 is the next book in the Michael Vey series.  Oh yeah.  The first four books in the series are that good.  


So we end the year a little older, a little wiser, one of us wearing glasses due to aging...

And this will be the last post on this blog.  

I created it so that I could still post about my family and our adventures for friends and family - but not use their names so they weren't searchable by classmates.  So they got numbered.  But, I am tired of referring to them as numbers.  They are people.  

So we will begin the new year by posting on a new blog called The Four Princes.  You can find it at

The boys were allowed to pick a pseudonym by which they will be known on the new blog.  Y'all will probably hate me for changing the blog address yet again, but I have a feeling I will be sticking with the new one for quite some time.   

And yes, I realize how egotistical it is to refer to myself as a queen.  But, before you judge you should know two things:
First, that the mother of princes is technically a queen.  So there!
Second, Husband wanted to be known as Lord Business.  Isn't this mashup slightly more easy to swallow?
You are welcome. 


Happy New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2014


Three's sister, C, visited for the weekend.  We hung out and chilled for much of it.  The kids watched movie after movie.  

Last night, C wanted to watch Austenland. I love Austenland.  But I am a bit of an Austen nut and let's face it, if I didn't have Husband, there is no certainty that I wouldn't have ended up choosing to be as awesome as Jane Hayes Erstwhile and visited Austenland personally.  So I am probably considered an outlier. 

I warned C that it was funny and cheesy and if you are not an Austen fan, you might miss out on a lot of the inside jokes.  She was willing to give it a try.  I told her that if we were twenty minutes in and she wanted to try something else we could.

So we began.  With all the kids in the room.  The boys were there.  All of them.  Watching a girl movie.  I thought for sure we would lose the boys and C would probably pull the emergency end and choose a different movie after twenty minutes.  

I'm not sure any of them were really into it twenty minutes in.  But none of them left the room.  And none of them complained.  

So we rallied on.

And soon they were laughing.  I had to explain some of the references.  And they didn't care for every nuance.  

But they stuck it out.

And today, in the car, Three told me how funny that movie ended up being.  And then all the boys started singing "It's getting hot in here," and calling out their favorite lines or scenes.

Who knew?  

Not me.  


Today we had to return C.

When we went to pick her up on Saturday, we left for a typical 45 minute drive - an hour and a half early.  I hate being late to anything.  We were meeting at the beach so I figured if we got there early, Three and I could just chill at the beach and wait.

In reality, we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for three hours and ended up picking her up way late.  Oh.  Yeah.  That burned.

So today, being a Monday, we left two hours early to do the 45 minute drive.  I was not going to be late again!  It took 45 minutes.  Of course.

Which ended up being really fun. 

We grabbed the beach blanket I always keep in the car and went and enjoyed the beach for over an hour.

I couldn't seem to get them to all look at the camera at once.  This was the best I could get.

And I took the sibling photo that I take every time we get together so they can have lots of sibling pictures.  This picture turned out well but I can't help feeling a little sad when I look at it.  A, their brother, moved to the midwest a few months ago, and M, their sister, is off the radar.  Two of the siblings missing from this pic is hard to see.

But I have to try to keep looking on the bright side.  
It was a beautiful day at the beach.  And at least Three got to hang with one of his sibs for a few days.  That's a good thing.

Birthday Dinner

Three's sister, C, came for a visit.  

We celebrated her birthday at BJ's.

And sang to her in private at home. 

Then came gifts.  Birthday and Christmas gifts for her.  Christmas gifts from Hawaii for us.  (She just came back from a trip she earned.)  Which was super unexpected and awesome! 

New Glasses

More Christmas Day Photos

More Christmas Eve Park Photos

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Bob the Unbuilder

Christmas Day

The boys wanted to wake us at 6am.  I told the boys not to wake me until 10 am.  We compromised at 8 am.  It was still too early.  But...I don't think we could contain the boys excitement any more...

So down the stairs we went. 

Santa brought a glowing mace and shield to Five.  I think I may need to talk to Santa about appropriate gifts...

But this kid sure approves...

Baby has just learned how to 'play dead' when he is 'shot'.  He got a star wars storm trooper gun.

But he tried to steal the mace anyway...

I can see you, Santa...

Baby got lots of balls to throw around.  

And a shirt that tells the truth.  It says, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."  Thank you, Harry Potter.

Three turned into a newsie...

And someone was jumping for joy!

This one got a new sweatshirt.  Which was perfect for chilling in his new hammock outside.

Four got a new sweatshirt and pants.  The pants are gray cammo.  He loves them and they fit perfectly. 

Someone got a new backpack...

And this kid got a hat and a bumpy ball.  He loved the ball and kept putting it in his mouth.  

Baby also got a really cute outfit from his birth grandparents that highlight his birthstate.  He is going to look adorable!

I got some chocolates from England...

This kid also got a new camping backpack as he will turn eleven this year and be a boy scout.

Husband got me a new (old) book on his last trip to London.  It sounds really interesting.  

And Five got a new book called Sir Fartsalot Hunts the Booger.  

He was shocked when he realized I picked it out for Baby to give to him.  "Does this mean Mom is not dignified anymore?" he asked as he snickered over the title.  And snickered.  And snickered.  

Oh dear. 

And to further show the degradation of my boys' manners, the newsie drank straight from the Egg Nog carton.  It just may be all downhill from here. 

And now the boys are off to the pool with dad.  Because this is Southern California.

Merry Christmas Everyone!