Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Eve

We spent christmas Eve at Husband's parent's house.

The boys played at the nearby park and burned some energy.

Then we returned for dinner.  The boys watched a movie and played while the adults prepared food and the table.

And yet again, I left my in-laws house without my favorite chairs in the world.  

They are red.  

They are comfy.

They rock.

And they spin.  

If you see any like them, tell me immediately.  

Because I think it would be really awkward to steal my in-laws chairs and then invite them over to enjoy them at my home.  

Apparently, to keep peace and integrity intact, I need my own set.

Need.  Not want.  I love these chairs!

And so do the boys...

At first Baby was being very gentle with the baby doll.

Then he chucked her hard against the wall.  Yep.  That's my Baby.  He throws everything.

Later on he did some cow tipping and raced some cars.  He was very busy.

After dinner we did a short program about Jesus and his birth.  We focus on Christ's birth on Christmas Eve.  Usually I am a little more prepared but this year I could not find the set that we usually use on Christmas Eve.  So I grabbed another set.  Not as good. 

But the boys know the story well, as we spend every December evening reading parts of the story and all its details in the scriptures.  So...a win in the end? 

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