Monday, December 1, 2014


During Thanksgiving, we go to my Dad's house.  It is always a good time and we have a lot of down time to chill and enjoy each other.  

Baby enjoyed cuddling with Abuela.

And basically everyone else.  He was very, very spoiled with cuddles.  

E, with her fabulous red hair, made her yearly homemade cinnamon rolls. 

And Baby found a soft spot to take a cozy nap.

The girls enjoyed their living doll.  They even did outfit changes and diaper changes.  It was awesome! 

At the end of the couch was the first victim in the puzzle sweatshop.  We quickly removed his body and got back to work.  Or was he napping?  Hard to remember...  

Mr. Pouty Face, 
who was eating a piece of candy from one of the kids.

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