Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day

The boys wanted to wake us at 6am.  I told the boys not to wake me until 10 am.  We compromised at 8 am.  It was still too early.  But...I don't think we could contain the boys excitement any more...

So down the stairs we went. 

Santa brought a glowing mace and shield to Five.  I think I may need to talk to Santa about appropriate gifts...

But this kid sure approves...

Baby has just learned how to 'play dead' when he is 'shot'.  He got a star wars storm trooper gun.

But he tried to steal the mace anyway...

I can see you, Santa...

Baby got lots of balls to throw around.  

And a shirt that tells the truth.  It says, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."  Thank you, Harry Potter.

Three turned into a newsie...

And someone was jumping for joy!

This one got a new sweatshirt.  Which was perfect for chilling in his new hammock outside.

Four got a new sweatshirt and pants.  The pants are gray cammo.  He loves them and they fit perfectly. 

Someone got a new backpack...

And this kid got a hat and a bumpy ball.  He loved the ball and kept putting it in his mouth.  

Baby also got a really cute outfit from his birth grandparents that highlight his birthstate.  He is going to look adorable!

I got some chocolates from England...

This kid also got a new camping backpack as he will turn eleven this year and be a boy scout.

Husband got me a new (old) book on his last trip to London.  It sounds really interesting.  

And Five got a new book called Sir Fartsalot Hunts the Booger.  

He was shocked when he realized I picked it out for Baby to give to him.  "Does this mean Mom is not dignified anymore?" he asked as he snickered over the title.  And snickered.  And snickered.  

Oh dear. 

And to further show the degradation of my boys' manners, the newsie drank straight from the Egg Nog carton.  It just may be all downhill from here. 

And now the boys are off to the pool with dad.  Because this is Southern California.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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