Sunday, June 16, 2013

Special Day

This is from the second time we met Three.  Look how little he is!  He was just barely nine.

 It's been almost two years since we met him in a restaurant on the pier.  My how time flies! 

We adopted Three about five months ago.  Which means that he is legally a part of our family.  

Which is lovely!

However, we are religious people and it was even lovelier when we were able to seal him to our family yesterday in the temple. 

A temple sealing is sort of like a spiritual adoption.  A piece of paper from the county government is great.  A covenant with God is even better.  

We are so delighted that Three decided to join our family!  

Isn't he a cutie?

Five was pretty excited...

And Four was too!

Four, Two, and Three

My and My Boys

One and His Boys

We are so grateful to everyone who has surrounded us with love and support as we've journeyed through this adoption!  

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