Saturday, January 25, 2014

Beach Day in January

We got invited to a very exclusive surprise birthday party for Three's sister, M.

It was at the beach.  Would we like to come?

Yes.  Yes, we would.

And off we went.
Three and his sister, C, starting to make a sandcastle.

Three's brother, A, and Five digging a giant hole.

More digging.

More building.

I don't know if you can tell from the pictures but this was an absolutely gorgeous day at the beach.  It was wonderful.  Breezy but not windy, warm but not hot, full but not crowded.  

Only in California can you have a January beach birthday bash and have it be beautiful. 

M's First Sandcastle

The boys dug for rocks and ate pringles.

Then the kids moved down to the shore to make a second sandcastle.

Baby beach bumming it with the girl's fantastic CASA who set up this little shindig.  We'll call her K.

The boys also did quite a bit of bogey boarding.  But I never got good pictures of that.

Digging a waterway from the castle to the ocean...

...and letting the water flow. 

I was very impressed that they all worked together to build this.  It was awesome!

K made M's favorite cake - German Chocolate.  It looked very good.  Three said it tasted very good.  Success! 

We borrowed a lighter off the lifeguard.  All the candles were lit.  We sang.  The candles blew out at the end of the song.  Does that mean her wish is automatically granted?  I think so.

Five made a turtle out of rocks and shells. 

And Baby's hair look plastered from all the sunscreen I rubbed on him. 

Here he was getting tired and so he put his thumb in his mouth and held on to my braid like it was his blanket.  

We had a great day and I am glad that Three got to spend the day with his siblings on his sister's birthday day.

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