Friday, January 31, 2014

Many Hands

Baby has been really fussy the last few days.  He needs to be held constantly and doesn't seem to feel well.  Plus, he just had shots so I think he is still mad at me for that.  Anyway, the brothers took him into the messy baby's room for a little while so I could get some cleaning done without Baby in my arms.  

Baby quieted down and seemed content for a few minutes.  In between cleaning one room and the next, I passed by the room and saw this.  

All the boys were playing a game together on their ipads, with Baby sitting on Three's lap.  

"Go away!" they said.  "We are having boy time." 

"Alright, alright.  You don't have to tell me twice."

And off I went to finish cleaning.  The boys kept Baby content and entertained for a blessed hour.  

He really is lucky to have so many people love him. 

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