Tuesday, December 31, 2013


We are so grateful to have Baby with us.   

I love that he has allowed Five to become a big brother.  

I love that he loves to interact with those that he comes in contact with - through smiles and giggles.  

He is not a particularly cuddly child.  However, he loves to be held.  But, not to snuggle.  He wants action.  He wants to be carried, held so he can jump, played with.  He is all about movement, with very strong legs.  And if he is not the center of attention, he is very good about making his wishes known.  He carries on, as if to scold, 'look at me, look at me!'  

And we all hop to his demands.  

Here he is, playing with his brothers.  They put him in the carriage and pushed him all around, giving him endless rides.  

2013 has truly been good to us.

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