Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

After staying up late with Johnny, Husband and I were seriously dragging the next morning.  We are not as young as we used to be.

We had to pull ourselves out of bed, however, because we had a surprise sweet sixteen birthday party to put on.  I recruited all the boys to decorate and prepare for a girl party.  They were very good sports about all the pink.

Three's siblings came for a visit and the girls' wonderful CASA (seriously they hit the jackpot!) drove them up to see us.

Three with his sister, C.

She is turning sixteen next week and we wanted to spoil her.

They look like twins to me.

After noshing on a birthday lunch, the kids decorated Christmas cookies and engaged very nicely with each other.

We let them open some gifts and spend some quality time together.

I think this is my favorite picture ever of Three and his siblings.  I'll have to make sure they all get copies.

From L to R: M (14, almost 15) A (17), C (almost 16), and Three (11).  

We got (and made) the girls some things for their rooms.  This is M with her purple flower poster.  I love, love, love her hair color.  It is a great shade of purple and blended into the flower.

And I love Three's expression.  Priceless.

After presents, we congregated to sing happy birthday to the birthday girl.  Four took video of her while we sang slightly off-key.

The candles wouldn't stay upright in the flourless chocolate birthday cake so we put them in the mini bundt cakes and called it good.

Happy sweet sixteen, C!  I hope you wish comes true...

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