Monday, December 9, 2013

Tummy Time and Rolling Over

A month or so ago, Baby was giving some signs that he might roll over.  Apparently, he heard me boasting about his progress and promptly put a stop to his inclinations to roll.  

Fine.  I waited.

A few days ago, he was 'enjoying' tummy time.  Yeah.  He still hates it.  Except when the doctor puts him on his tummy.  Then he acts like he could chill on his tummy all day.  

So...anyway...enjoying tummy time...

...he likes to throw his arms out like this and cry that he has no way to prop himself up.  So I put his little fists under him again.  Then he throws his arms out and feigns helplessness.  Such a joyful cycle...

until...I put his little fists under him and voila!

I love his little, "How the heck did I get over here?"

I promptly flipped him back over and he rolled again.


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