Sunday, December 15, 2013

Feed a Man to Fish...Teach a Man to Fish...

When Three's siblings were here, several interesting things happened. 

First, they brought gifts for the boys.

Three's sister M, made the boys wallets out of duct tape.

And Three's sister, C, filled those wallets with cash.

Happy boys?  You bet.

The second interesting thing that happened was that M then sat down with Three and taught him to make wallets on his own.  She even left duct tape for him to experiment with.  

The boys sat down and wrote thank you notes to both girls yesterday afternoon.

That whole circle would have been great enough.


Today, Three decided to make a wallet for one his teachers (male) and he is making a wallet for Five to enjoy.  

And that makes me very happy.  Because the girls gave a gift, the boys learned a new skill.  And because the boys learned a new skill, they could in turn give something of themselves to someone else.  

Well done, girls.  Well done.

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