Sunday, December 29, 2013

Family Pictures

Husband's mother wanted family pictures before her birthday party.  So we went to a park to take some.

Yep.  Boys can turn anything into a weapon.

And this one has never needed music to break into dance.

Or this one.  He loves to dance.

We had everything we needed.  Including two lightsabers.  Just the essentials really.  I mean, who doesn't take lightsabers to their family pictures?

Cousins.  Youngest to Oldest

And the obligatory sword fight in between picture shots.

Our family.

Taking selfies...

Corralling the kids for one last location...

And me with Baby at the birthday party.

Reminds me of this picture when Five was just a little older than six.  This picture was taken six years ago.

My how time flies...

Enjoying time with some of my sister-in-laws...

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