Monday, December 9, 2013

Gingerbread Fun

Five wanted me to bake some gingerbread cookies for his class party.  I emailed his teacher and offered to donate icing and decorations.  She told me that would be great but that they still didn't have enough bakers to bake cookies.  

Five gave me the eyes.  

And I found myself agreeing to bake gingerbread cookies for his class to decorate.

The only problem?  While I do bake, I have never made gingerbread cookies.  

How do I find myself in these situations?  Oh yeah.  Five's hazel eyed goodness that melts all my protestations away.  Little stinker.

So I whipped up a practice batch.  No point in failing on cookie day.  I had to see if I had what it takes to fulfill my promise.  Plus, if I couldn't hack it, I would still have time to make a discreet custom bakery order.

I mixed up the ingredients and what do you know?

Turns out I can bake excellent gingerbread cookies.  Yay!

I let the boys decorate and eat the practice batch.

Yep.  This is five, knowing that he has won.  Not only did he get me to bake cookies for his class but he got extra cookies at home.  

Awwww...true gingie love.  Well...that makes it all worth it. 

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