Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Beach Day in Paradise

Watch out for all the pictures in this post.  What can I say?  We had a great day of adventures. 

Baby was loving the sand.  And he loved ruining whatever his older brothers were building. 

The water was so clear.  We put our stuff on the beach next to some great snorkeling right off the water line.  It was ideal.

The water was also extremely calm.  Normally we like decent-sized waves so we can bogey board but since we wanted to float and chill and snorkel, the small waves were perfect. 

Love Three's snorkel pose here...

Three picked up snorkeling on our last Hawaiian trip a few years ago.  This time, Four picked it up.  And he picked it up quicker than any of the rest of us.  What a guy!

They all took turns with the underwater camera.

Love this picture!

This structure was huge.  Like as long as my body.  It was unreal.

Someone probably misses these...

Back on land, adorableness was ruling the day.

As soon as the boys started to build something, Baby made it his business to crawl over for some deconstruction. 

And Baby decided to try sand.  He was not a fan.  Oddly that didn't stop him from trying it again two days later.  Sigh. 

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